I have seen the same behavior on FTP files coming over as 0 bytes
when the disk quota is reached, so I suspect that's exactly what happened.
You may have to have Verio look at tape backups to retrieve if possible.
Good Luck,
At 02:08 PM 6/11/2009, you wrote:
Where does cpx store its address book? I just got a message from a
user that they lost the entries in their address book. They had
let their account grow until they hit their quota. They use CPX
for email. Is it possible that CPX will overwrite an address book
with a zero length file is the user's quota limit is reached? Thanks.
This is <cpx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> < http://www.groupmail.org/lists/cpx/>
Before posting a question, please search the archives (see above URL).
Dennis Altshuler
NetSys Interactive Inc.
EZLAVA Website Builder
<http://www.ezlava.com/>Corporate Site
<http://www.netsysinteractive.com/>PO BOX 787
480 - 539 - 9640
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<mailto:customersatisfaction@xxxxxxxxxx>*_Please Note:_* NetSys
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information by Email. You should not respond to this type of
message from any source whether it's related or unrelated to NetSys
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