Dovecot is the default POP and IMAP email server for Linux VPS/MPS. So, for Linux, the vinstall for the most part simply converts the email boxes from the mbox format to the maildir email format.
Thanks Brad. I did this on a Linux VPS which already had Dovecot and it converted the mailboxes with no problems.
There may also be other ancillary considerations depending on existing individual configurations of your account. Keeping the above considerations in mind, most VPS and MPS customers will see significant performance improvements in CPX, Enhanced webmail, and most other email and webmail clients, without experiencing troubles, by converting to Dovecot and maildir. Verio encourages customers who are comfortable with these caveats to consider moving to Dovecot with maildir.
One thing that I will miss from the conversion is archmbox. I used it to clean out junk mail / spam folders.
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