Hey guys,
Sorry for this cross post.
I suppose we've all noticed that we're all kind of on one line when it
comes to things we think Verio should offer us resellers. Recently we
have seen quite a few CPX/Backroom issues/requests and "hey let's all
suggest/demand this".
Somehow, I think in stead of us all blasting requests at Verio (and at
this list) it would be wise to collect all requests and hand them in
I'm sure Verio would rather spend time on one good documented request
summary, than dealing with a load of requests that are all slightly
different. Also, once it is documented Verio should be able to give us
a well structured response and a timeline in which they think what
could be possible.
So far I have seen the following requests (I'm sure I've missed a few):
1. Backroom
1.1.1 DNS TTL modification, incl the option to modify TTL for a set of
1.1.2 DNS TXT field addition (gives us the option to offer sender id)
1.1.3 DNS predefinition (what standard records are added with each new
1.2.1 Speed up domain manager page (an old and obvious issue)
1.3.1 Accountname v.s. AccountID (These get juggled all over the shop
in the backroom. As we can modify account names it make much more
sense to uses these in stead of the static account IDs that can loose
sense as the years pass)
1.4 ?
2. CPX
2.1.1 Seperating e-mail/www quotas for domain admins (more control for
virtual hosting)
2.1.2 Username prefixes for domain admins (imanagerPRO clienta_info
clientb_info etc)
2.2 ?