At 7:20 PM -0500 1/28/06, AlpineWeb wrote:
A Domain Administrator is created and assigned a quota of 1000MBs and the ability to create 10 end users. The Domain Administrator now has the ability to create 10 users whose total, combined quotas are "constrained" to 1000MBs. The end users quotas are not in addition to the Domain Admins quota but rather constrained by it.
Actually as I understand it, the end users quota are BOTH "constrained by" AND "in addition to" the Domain Admins' quota.
Of course, all of this could also be solved if I could push the web file space off to one of the end user accounts. That brings us back to separation of roles again. I would like to be able have a Domain Admin account that does nothing but manage permissions, quotas, and email mappings for the domain and a "end user" account that handles the domain's web file space. And if I could disable the other Domain Admin's privileges (Mail, FTP, File Management, Shell Access) without still allowing the ability to the *grant* these privileges to the "end user" accounts, then CPX would be a much better match for my use case.If your Domain Administrator could only "manage permissions, quotas, and email mappings for the domain" how would end user accounts be created and deleted, passwords changed, etc.
Of course you're correct. Perhaps I wasn't precise enough? Let's try this again. I want a Domain Admin account that can log into CPX to do *all* the Domain Admin stuff *except* manage the domain's web space files and an end user account that owns/manages the web space files for the domain. And I want to be able to disable Mail, FTP, and Shell privileges on the Domain Admin account while still allowing the account to grant these privileges to the end user accounts.
You could also submit a request/suggestion to the CPX development team.
Thanks, I intend to. But of course this seems to be a good place to start a discussion on the merits of any suggestions I might offer. Thanks for the feedback.
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