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[cpx] cpx suggestion...
I don't belive this exists yet, but maybe it could be added to the
Control Panel new domain setup. It shouldn't take more than a few
minutes to implement and I suspect a lot of companies would use this.
I would like a hook of some kind in the control panel that looks at a
specific directory or file for additional account setup options. In
other words, I'd like the Control Panel to check for the existence of
a custom file of ours and then run it if it exists. It would be used
to create additional directories for things like images off of the
main domain or to create mysql tables etc..
The advantage of linking it to an outside directory that the server
admin can access is that it won't be affected or overwritten by
future Control Panel updates and we wouldn't need to get into the
Control Panel code either.
In fact there should probably be a hook for different types
of actions like creating a new user, etc.
Thank you in advance!
Dennis Altshuler
NetSys Interactive Inc.
EZLAVA Website Builder
Corporate Site
PO BOX 787
480 - 539 - 9640
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