relinking do not help. I have just one file : cp_users.xmlthat do not work. XML comparator just say the two files are identical xml wise but the cpx is still not working with it. In anycase i do not see how a translation string could prevent the cpx from working at all. Technicaly i do not see how this is possible.
I wonder why this file is lacking the <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>header, some xml files have it some do not. Is it important, could this lead to problems if there was one ? why some files get it and some not. In french we have accents so utf8 would be better, as all cp xml files seems to be encoded in utf8 i have explicitly put in utf8 all of them.
-- Cordialement, Ghislain ps: (root)> head -n1 /usr/local/cp/strings/en/*.xml ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/cp.xml <== <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/cp_admin.xml <== <strings> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/cp_domains.xml <== <strings> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/cp_email.xml <== <strings> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/cp_files.xml <==<!-- $SMEId: vps2/user/local/cpx/strings/en_US/cp_files.xml,v 1.51 2008/07/30 07:30:27 rus Exp $ -->
==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/cp_help.xml <== <strings> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/cp_prefs.xml <== <strings> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/cp_profile.xml <== <strings> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/cp_users.xml <== <strings> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/error.xml <== <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/global.xml <== <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/help.xml <== <strings> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/mail.xml <== <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/mail_address_book.xml <== <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ==> /usr/local/cp/strings/en/mail_options.xml <== <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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