This is well-documented in the vinstall itself, the cpx page in the support pages, as well as this list's archives (but I'm sorry all the same that you got bit by it). You'll want to put a virtusertable catchall for each domain you receive mail for before running the cpx vinstall. Scott
Scott,is it possible to ask the vinstall team to add to the vinstall a question like this:
add virtmaps alias for all accounts defined in /etc/passwd for each domains or just add global alias to the file ?
So this way user can just choose to add the global aliases and not create thousand of adress for no reason. It will help everyone i think, Verio and reseller, on this issue. And it will help the "reinstall cpx" problems that will come more and more with time.
as a back note have you news about the serveralias topic ? best regards, Ghislain. AQUEOS. ====================================================================== This is <cpx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> <> Before posting a question, please search the archives (see above URL).